monique axt
software engineer

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Uni courses › Parallelism & Concurrency
I have a deadlock joke... Read More ›

Uni courses › Design Patterns in C++
Ever heard of the Quicksand pattern? Read More ›

Uni courses › System programming in Linux
Why are linux geeks very introverted? Read More ›

Uni courses › Data Structures and Algorithms
What do you call someone obsessed with algorithms? Read More ›

Projects › Web Security Application
Focusing on the implementation of security measures in a web application. Read More ›

Projects › Computer vision with OpenCV C++
Why did the OpenCV program go on a diet? Read More ›

Projects › Embedded programming
What do novice piano players have in common with embedded systems programmers? Read More ›

Projects › Blackjack game in C#
Love to gamble? Read More ›

Projects › Android Java Application
Keep a record of those beautiful once-in-a-lifetime spots Read More ›