monique axt
software engineer


Computer vision with OpenCV C++

Why did the OpenCV program go on a diet?

Because it wanted to sharpen its edges and reduce its contours.

Source code and Description

Github repo Github repo link

Created as part of a thesis, this application was written in C++ with the OpenCV library. The goal of the tool was to evaluate the possibility of transforming hand-sketched UML Class Diagrams into formal PlantUML models, using image processing techniques in the OpenCV library.

Github repo

The README here contains instructions on how to build the project using CMake and OpenCV as well as an overview on the various computer vision algorithms used to test the above idea.


Precision and Recall evaluation metrics and Classification results

UML elementPrecisionRecall  QtyTPFPFN
Classes0.920.96  232196816
Inheritance0.920.92  373433
Association0.760.76  1391053434
Total0.860.88  3883354553

TP = true positives, FP = false positives, FN = false negatives.


Read the full thesis here


Further development

Develop the tool using OpenCV’s machine learning and computer vision techniques to achieve the goal.