Monique Axt

Software Engineer

About Me

When I’m not coding, I’m listening to a podcast, playing games or growing plants 🌱

Originally from South Africa, I moved to Sweden to pursue my passion for software.

Main skills: C++, Java

Dabbled in : C, C#, RxJava, PHP, Linux, Android, PostgreSQL.


Computer Vision project

project webpage

Written in C++ with the OpenCV image processing library

The goal of the tool was to evaluate the possibility of transforming hand-sketched UML Class Diagrams into formal PlantUML models, using image processing and computer vision algorithms in the OpenCV library. Without machine learning, the tool achieved overall Precision and Recall metrics of 0.86 and 0.88 respectively.

Blackjack C# game

project webpage

Written with C# and .NET to learn the language, learn turn-based game logic and work with a database.

The WPF application is designed with separation of logic and presentation in mind, via implementation of a three-layer architecture: presentation layer, business logic layer, and data access layer. Delegates are used together with events to create an event-driven application. Inspiration for handling the running of the game was taken from roguelike games, using a game loop and classes for handling game events.

Android Java App

project webpage

An Android mobile app to save favourite or secret spots that may be “off the beaten path”.

Encouraging exploration of nature, the main feature of this app is saving beautiful locations you may have stumbled upon or would like to visit again. Perhaps a specific spot deep in a forest, a small unnamed creek, or an unusual bank that’s perfect for sunset picnics.

Storing data is achieved via Room Library and associated components, while displaying data is achieved using Recycler View, custom views, Maps and interchangeable fragments. Search, edit and delete functionality are also implemented.

Web Security PHP Application

project webpage

A project that focuses on the implementation of security measures in a web application.

A PHP/JavaScript web-based messaging application that provides a simple forum for users to communicate by posting Topics or replying to these with Posts. Users need to be logged-in to submit or delete a Topic or Post and the latter can be upvoted, downvoted and deleted. With this functionality in mind, the application handles security vulnerabilities including SQL injection, XSS and XSRF.



BSc Software Engineering


Focused on systems and software development.

A degree program that focuses on system and software development, including the design and implementation of software for the web, servers, personal computers, tablets and mobiles with a focus on applications for computer and mobile. A distance-based program that improved my ability to be self-motivated, responsible and disciplined.

See the full list of courses here.




May 2022 - Feb 2023

A fun and challenging role requiring a passion for making a difference and persuasive communication skills.

  • Accomplished the goal of increasing donations by 200% while participating in a travelling team.
  • Developed skills to quickly build rapport and relationships.
  • Successfully established and planned team-bonding activities.

Chalmers University of Technology

Teaching Assistant in programming


A social position that involved teaching and grading for an introductory course in Python.

This role improved my interpersonal soft skills including compromise, patience and successful communication.

  • Scheduled meetings, planned online 1-to-1s, led critical-thinking sessions, and collaborated with colleagues.
  • Improved time-management and interpersonal soft skills such as compromise and successful communication.
  • Students frequently expressed gratitude for my welcoming and patient attitude when conducting individual or group teaching.